Smart By Bold

Almost every device in your home can be automated.
The world is constantly in a state of transition. With the ongoing technological advancement occurring in a world struggling with shortage of time, employing centralized autonomous control goes a long way to improve your lifestyle.
Why Automation?
• Improved convenience and comfort
• Energy efficiency
• Increased security
• Low installation costs

Smart by Bold is a subsidiary of the Bold Group, aims to provide smart solutions to households and workplaces. These smart solutions are centred around integrating technology with the existing electrical devices and systems to get the job done, on the go, by a single click!

Sounds complicated? Not at all! When we talk automation, our first aim is to keep it simple and flexible to eliminate overly complicated processes and unrequired features.

Are you under the illusion that the entire process of home automation costs a bomb? Connect with us for a consultation, and let us acquaint you with our value-added, exciting automation solutions!